Grid-based Tiling Window Management, Mark II

A few years ago, I implemented a grid-based tiling window management tool for Linux/KDE that drastically improved my ability to utilize screen realestate on a 4K monitor.

The basic idea is that a 4K screen is divided into 16 cells in a 4x4 grid, and a Full HD screen is divided into 4 cells in a 2x2 grid. Windows can be snapped (Meta-Enter) to the nearest rectangle that aligns with that grid, whether that rectangle is 1 cell by 1 cell, or if it is 2 cells by 3 cells, etc. They can be moved around the grid with the keyboard (Meta-Up, Meta-Down, Meta-Left, Meta-Right). They can be grown by increments of the cell size in the four directions (Ctrl-Meta-Up, Ctrl-Meta-Down, Ctrl-Meta-Left, Ctrl-Meta-Right), and can be shrunk similarly (Shift-Meta-Up, Shift-Meta-Down, Shift-Meta-Left, Shift-Meta-Right).

While simple in concept, it dramatically improves the manageability of a large number of windows on multiple screens.

Since that first implementation, KDE or X11 introduced a change that broke some of the logic in the quicktile code for dealing with differences in behavior between different windows. All windows report location and size information for the part of the window inside the frame. When moving a window, some windows move the window inside the frame to the given coordinates (meaning that you set the window position to 100,100, and then query the location and it reports as 100,100). But other windows move the window _frame_ to the given coordinates (meaning that you set the window position to 100,100, and then query the location and it reports as 104,135). It used to be that we could differentiate those two types of windows because one type would show a client of N/A, and the other type would show a client of the hostname. But now, all windows show a client of the hostname, so I don't have a way to differentiate them.

Fortunately, all windows report their coordinates in the same way, so we can set the window's coordinates to the desired value, get the new coordinates, and if they aren't what were expected, adjust the coordinates we request by the error amount, and try again. That gets the window to the desired location reliably.

The downside is that you do see the window move to the wrong place and then shift to the right place. Fixing that would require finding some characteristic that can differentiate between the two types of windows. It does seem to be consistent in terms of what program the window is for, and might be a GTK vs QT difference or something. Alternatively, tracking the error correction required for each window could improve behavior by making a proactive adjustment after the first move of a window. But that requires maintaining state from one call of quicktile to the next, which would entail saving information to disk (and then managing the life-cycle of that data), or keeping it in memory using a daemon (and managing said daemon). For the moment, I don't see the benefit being worth that level of effort.

Here is the updated quicktile script.

To use the tool, you need to set up global keyboard shortcuts for the various quicktile subcommands. To make that easier, I created an importable quicktile shortcuts config file for KDE.

Of late I have also noticed that some windows may get rearranged when my laptop has the external monitor connected or disconnected. When that happens, I frequently wind up with a large number of windows with odd shapes and in odd locations. Clicking on each window, hitting Meta-Enter to snap it to the grid, and then moving it out of the way of the next window gets old very quickly. To more easily get back to some sane starting point, I added a quicktile snap all subcommand which will snap all windows on the current desktop to the grid. The shortcuts config file provided above ties that action to Ctrl-Meta-Enter.

This version works on Fedora 34; I have not tested on other distributions.

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